Regular Oral Cancer Checks Help Protect Your Smile

Oral cancer checks are an important part of caring for your oral health. At Battle Creek Family Dentistry in Springfield, we provide these comprehensive checks during routine checkups and cleanings, as well as when patients have an oral concern develop that they’d like to have examined.

How are oral cancer checks performed?

Our expert will conduct a visual inspection of your mouth, neck, and surrounding areas, looking for lumps or lesions, uneven teeth surfaces, and changes in color or texture on your gums, cheeks, or tongue. We may also use special lighting to spot changes that are not easily visible to the naked eye. If abnormalities are identified during our exam, we may request that a biopsy or imaging tests be performed in order to make an accurate diagnosis.

Why are regular oral cancer checks important?

By undergoing these preventive checks, abnormalities can be caught in their early stages, allowing for prompt and effective treatment. Early detection of oral cancer increases the chances of successful treatment and decreases the risk of potential complications.

Can anyone benefit from oral cancer checks?

Yes! While certain individuals are at higher risk for developing oral cancer – including those with a family history of oral cancer, chronic or heavy cigarette smokers or alcohol users, and patients over 45 – it’s important that patients of all ages undergo these examinations.

If you’re interested in learning more about oral cancer checks or would like to schedule an appointment, contact Battle Creek Family Dentistry today. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have!


Contact Battle Creek Family Dentistry About Oral Cancer Checks Today

  • Take a preventive approach to your oral health
  • Learn which symptoms to watch for
  • Have any concerning symptoms examined quickly and effectively
  • Increase your chances of successful treatment if oral cancer is found
  • Protect your oral and overall health!